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Packages for preparation of AMCA manuscripts

This web page contains LaTeX and MS-Word files to help in the preparation of a publication for AMCA publications and conferences.

The example included (amcapaper.pdf) is self-explanatory. The author can copy the source files ( amcapaper.tex for LaTeX and amcastyle.doc for MS-Word) and start replacing the appropriated text.

Additional help for LaTeX and MS-Word is given in README.latex and README.doc, respectively.

LaTeX and MS-Word packages (contains EN, ES, and PT versions)

LaTeX packages at Overleaf

Overleaf is an online LaTeX and Rich Text collaborative writing and publishing tool that makes the whole process of writing, editing and publishing scientific documents much quicker and easier. AMCA provides already uploaded Overleaf projects for ES,PT, and EN languages and you can directly clone these projects into your own space and start typing your article. An introductory video on Overleaf can be found here. (este otro en español).

There is an Overleaf project for each of the accepted languages,

In all cases you have to

  • Register in Overleaf (it may be done with a Google Account) and sign-in.
  • Click on the appropriate link above (depending on your language) an open in a new window.
  • Click "Menu" (top left button) -> "Copy Project" and start typing your article.
Topic revision: r31 - 21 Apr 2023, MarioStorti
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