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Impacto 2003. Algunos factores:

193 1.00 2.61 ADV APPL MECH Mech Eng
239 0.2 0.1 ADV ENG SOFTW Soft 0965-9978
852 0.11 0.26 COMMUN APPL NUMER M Appl Math
1857 0.3 0.3 COMMUN NUMER METH EN Appl Math 1069-8229
1902 0.36 0.37 COMPUT APPL MATH Appl Math
1917 0.64 0.55 COMPUT FLUIDS Comput Appl 0045-7930
1937 0.76 0.81 COMPUT MECH Mech
1940 0.8 0.7 COMPUT METHOD APPL M Mech Eng 0025-7825
1947 0.84 0.89 COMPUT PHYS Comput Appl
1948 0.91 1.09 COMPUT PHYS COMMUN Comput Appl
1952 0.92 1.21 COMPUT SCI ENG Comput Appl
1956 0.70 0.32 COMPUT STRUCT Civil Eng
2302 0.60 0.46 DYNAM CONTROL Robot
2451 0.64 0.28 ENG STRUCT Civil Eng
2580 0.58 0.54 EUR J MECH A-SOLID Mech
2581 0.63 0.58 EUR J MECH B-FLUID Mech
2728 0.50 0.44 FINITE ELEM ANAL DES Mech
2765 0.53 0.51 FLUID DYN RES Mech
3540 0.32 0.28 INT J COMPUT FLUID D Mech 1061-8562
3635 0.83 0.88 INT J NUMER METH ENG Appl Math
3636 0.58 0.50 INT J NUMER METH FL Comput Appl 0271-2091
3677 0.83 0.85 INT J ROBOT RES Robot
3682 0.73 0.74 INT J SOLIDS STRUCT Mech
3699 0.51 0.31 INT J THERM SCI Mech Eng
3939 0.56 0.54 J APPL MECH-T ASME Mech
4185 0.89 1.07 J COMPUT PHYS Comput Appl 0021-9991
4343 0.49 0.28 J FLUID ENG-T ASME Mech Eng 0098-2202
4345 0.75 0.51 J FLUID STRUCT Mech Eng
4575 0.65 0.41 J LUBRIC TECH-T ASME Mech Eng
4624 0.37 0.32 J MEC APPL Mech
4625 0.31 0.27 J MEC THEOR APPL Mech
5034 0.62 0.37 J STRUCT MECH Mech Eng
5775 0.58 0.97 MULTIBODY SYST DYN Math Phys
5973 0.61 0.56 NONLINEAR DYNAM Mech
6028 0.60 0.55 NUMER HEAT TR A-APPL Mech
6029 0.69 0.70 NUMER HEAT TR B-FUND Mech
6030 0.94 0.97 NUMER HEAT TRANSFER Mech Eng
6058 0.60 0.27 OCEAN ENG Civil Eng 0029-8018
6281 0.61 0.59 PARALLEL COMPUT Comput Theor
6441 0.90 1.51 PHYS FLUIDS Mech
6442 0.89 1.51 PHYS FLUIDS A-FLUID Mech
7570 0.71 0.73 THEOR COMP FLUID DYN Mech
7751 0.21 0.11 VEHICLE SYST DYN Mech Eng

Topic attachments
I Attachment ActionSorted descending Size Date Who Comment
Factores-de-Impacto-2006.xlsxls Factores-de-Impacto-2006.xls manage 1 MB 20 Sep 2007 - 18:11 MarioStorti Factores de impacto hasta 2006
Impacto2000.pdfpdf Impacto2000.pdf manage 278 K 01 Oct 2002 - 16:03 UnknownUser  
Impacto2000_2.pdfpdf Impacto2000_2.pdf manage 250 K 01 Oct 2002 - 16:03 UnknownUser  
Impacto2000_3.pdfpdf Impacto2000_3.pdf manage 220 K 01 Oct 2002 - 16:04 UnknownUser  
Impacto2000_4.pdfpdf Impacto2000_4.pdf manage 273 K 01 Oct 2002 - 16:04 UnknownUser  
Impacto2000_5.pdfpdf Impacto2000_5.pdf manage 286 K 01 Oct 2002 - 16:05 UnknownUser  
Impacto2000_6.pdfpdf Impacto2000_6.pdf manage 209 K 01 Oct 2002 - 16:05 UnknownUser  
Indices-de-impacto-2003.txttxt Indices-de-impacto-2003.txt manage 330 K 15 Jul 2004 - 16:45 UnknownUser  
Indicesdeimpacto2003.docdoc Indicesdeimpacto2003.doc manage 638 K 15 Jul 2004 - 16:04 UnknownUser Indices de impacto 2003
if_2001.txttxt if_2001.txt manage 288 K 11 Feb 2004 - 20:32 UnknownUser Impact Factor 2001,. plain TXT file
if_2002.txttxt if_2002.txt manage 383 K 11 Feb 2004 - 20:33 UnknownUser Impact Factor 2021, plain TXT file
if_2002.xlsxls if_2002.xls manage 2 MB 11 Feb 2004 - 20:35 UnknownUser Impact Factor 2002. Microsoft Excel Document
imfactor2001.docdoc imfactor2001.doc manage 320 K 11 Feb 2004 - 20:33 UnknownUser Impact Factor 2001. Microsoft Word Document
impact-factor-2004.txttxt impact-factor-2004.txt manage 140 K 23 Aug 2006 - 00:16 MarioStorti Impact Factors 2004
This topic: Main/Cimec > ImpactFactor
Topic revision: 20 Sep 2007, MarioStorti
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