Modelo Numérico Mesoscópico para Simular Degradación y Capacidad de Carga Ultima en Estructuras de Hormigón Armado Afectadas por Corrosión

Pablo J. Sánchez, Alfredo E. Huespe, Javier Oliver, Sebastián Toro


In this research work, a finite element strategy specially devised to simulate the structural degradation of corroded reinforced concrete members is presented. The proposed model is able to reproduce many of the mechanical effects induced by corrosion processes in the embedded steel bars and, mainly, their influences on the structural ultimate load carrying capacity predictions. For these purposes, two different and coupled mesoscopic problems are considered. This mechanical model can be used to simulate generalized or localized reinforcement corrosion. Each component of the Reinforced Concrete (RC) structure is modeled by means of a suitable finite element (FE) formulation. For the concrete, a cohesive model based on the Continuum Strong Discontinuity Approach (CSDA) is used. The steel reinforcement bars are simulated by means of a elasto-plastic model. The steel-concrete interface is simulated using contact-friction elements with the friction degradation as a function of the depth of
corrosion attack. Experimental and previous numerical solutions are used to compare and validate the proposed models.

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ISSN 2591-3522