Acoplamiento de Modelos Unidimensionales y Multidimensionales para la Resolución de Problemas Hemodinámicos

Santiago Urquiza, Alejandro Reutemann, Marcelo Vénere, Raúl Feijóo


In this work a method for direct coupling one-dimensional with multidimensional models of the
Human Arterial Dynamic is presented The main purpose is to provide the more detailed multidimensional zones with appropriate boundary conditions coming from the global lD model.
The Finite Element Method is used to numerically solve the resulting reduced and complete Navier-Stokes equations in compliant domains.
An application to the analysis of a simulated stenotic arterial disease in the Common Carotid Artery is included. showing the occurrence of a non-stationary vortex downstream the stenosis, a fact that is impossible to capture with the ID model. Substantial changes in pulse waveforms are observed,
suggesting the possibility of using them in early detection of the arterial obstruction.

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ISSN 2591-3522