Análise da Confiabilidade de Estructuras de Concreto Armado Incluindo Campos Estocásticos

Helbert M. Gomes, Armando Miguel Awruch


In this paper special emphasis is given to uneertainties in the evaluation of the structural. behaviour, looking for a better repmeatation of the system. cbaracteristics and quantification of the significance of those uncertainties in the structural design.
The reliability analysis of reinfim:ed concrete stnK:tures is considerecl taking into account the spatial variability of the material properties. A finite element algorithm is used to analyze the reinforced concrete structure. It is proposed and developed a multidimensional non-Gaussian stochastic field generation model (independent of the finite element mesh). An example is presented to study the reliability of a simple
reinforced concrete beam with respect to a limit state function which establishes that the displacement of the mid span cross section does not exceed a prescrived value, considering the Young modulus as a stochastic field.

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ISSN 2591-3522