Velocidades Críticas de un Eje Rotante con Condiciones Elásticas de Borde No Lineales

Ulises Masiá, Hilda A. Larrondo, Daniel R. Ávalos, Patricio A. A. Laura


In this paper the title problem is tacked using the Raleigh-Ritz Variational Method. The behavior of the bearings or seals is modeled using a series in the angle at the shaft ends.
The analysis includes the linear and nonlinear elastic cases. The method proves to be very computationally efficient to determine both the critical speeds and the shape acquired by the shaft as a consequence of hte lack of symmtry that gives rise to centrigfugal forces. Fcpr the linear case results are compared with those obtained by other methods and also the convergence is evaluated.

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ISSN 2591-3522