Método de Mínimos Cuadrados Móviles en la Simulación de la Topografía Corneal de un Análisis por EF de la Cirugía Refractiva

Fabio A. Guarnieri, Alberto Cardona


Purpose: This work presents the Moving Least Square Method in order to interpolate the corneal surface after a Finite Element Analysis to obtain a topographic map in axial curvature of the anterior surface.
Materials & Methods: It was generated a point grid from a toric surface simulating an astigmatic corneal surface as the method. test surface. It was tested several parameters as well as intrinsic of the methos as from the problem. From data generated by the topographers Eyesys. PAR and Orbscan, and using the program Oofelie for the FEA. we obtain the pre- and post refractive surgery simulation data set.
Results: The aproximating error in axial curvature is dependent of the refinament. grid distortion, and surface astigmatism. This value is altered by the border where the aproximation is not good.
Conclusions: The MLS method aproximates adequately an astigmatic corneal surface from the data topographers based and non-based in Placido Disks.

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ISSN 2591-3522