Estricción de Barras Metálicas Cilíndricas: Sensibilidad Frente al Tamaño y Tipo de las Imperfecciones

Carlos García Garino, Aníbal Mirasso, Silvia Raichman, José María Goicolea


In the presence of large deformations, the tension test of an axisymmetric metal specimen is characterized by a localized necking in the central zone. The load-displacement response
present') a precritical regime with an homogeneous state of deformations, followed by the maximum load and a bifurcation point that initiates the postcritical path. In practice, the problem is approached by the solution of an imperfect specimen with an appropiate imperfection. In the present paper, the sensitivity to the size of the initial imperfections is
studied. Some suggestions about the type of the imperfections to use in the numerical analysis are presented.

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