Aproximación Numérica del Flujo Potencial Exterior por un Método de Elementos de Borde en Variable Compleja

Jorge D'Elía, Mario Storti, Sergio R. Idelsohn


A numerical algorithm based on the Complex Boundary Element Method (CVBEM) for to solve 2D potential problems, is described. The mathematical model adopted her is an Integral Formulation on the Boundary, expressed by the Cauchy integral in the complex plane. A piecewise lineal trial function is adopted. The integral is analitically evaluted, with collocation points in the extrems of the
elements. The great advantage of the method is that, it reduces in a unit the number of the geometric dimensions in the problem considered (like other Boundary Element Methods). In this work, this formulation is applied in some tests of exterior potential problems(aerodynamics / hydromechanics).

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ISSN 2591-3522