Cálculo Computacional de Parámetros Hidráulicos en Canales Abiertos
Analytical computation on hydraulics parameters is a difficult task. For this reason engineers generally have resortedto graphics and tables. In this paper, it has been developed a computer program based on Newton-Raphson numerical method for determining the normal and critical depths and the hydraulics parameters defining cross-sections of different geometric forms.
Various regimes (higher, lower and critical), and channels with the following characteristics: non erosionable, withflat bed, and constant and independent, of the depth rugosity are considered.
The execute program is interactive and it can run at any
compatible PC.
Various regimes (higher, lower and critical), and channels with the following characteristics: non erosionable, withflat bed, and constant and independent, of the depth rugosity are considered.
The execute program is interactive and it can run at any
compatible PC.
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ISSN 2591-3522