Numeric-Experimental Analysis of Stress in an Inner Ear Fixer for Human Vertebrae

Manuel R. Carbajal, Jesús M. Nieto, Ricardo M. Sánchez, Martín S. Castillo


This paper presents a Study Numeric-Experimental to analyze stresses in order to know the State of the field stresses in the Inner Fixer for Vertebrae Human. The Inner Fixer was developed by the orthopedist Manuel Dufoo Olvera affiliated to “Servicio de Columna del Hospital General de la Villa”, in the Mexico City. This study is made with the purpose of validating the numerical study of human Lumbar vertebrae subject to main physiological loads that suffers the human organism in this zone. Numerical analysis is done using the finite element method (FEM); two techniques are used to the experimental part: the Reflective Photoelasticity and the Electrical Extensometry. Reported in this paper is a study of Flexo-compresión as validation of human bone system. Use vertebrae pig as a viable alternative to the use of vertebrae human and because their mechanical properties are similar. The analysis includes four phases and intervertebral discs (with great complexity) are taken into account in one of them. The analysis consists of four phases or applications: 1. intact structure including the intervertebral discs. 2. Structure with the inner fixer, 3. Total Corpectomy and inner fixer, 4- Total Corpectomy, inner fixer, and anterior iliac crest Insert. Found in both analyses (numerical and experimental) behavior and the results are similar.

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