Composite Wood-Steel Structures: Stress Analysis

Klaydson D. L. França, Henor A. Souza, Ernani C. Araújo


This study uses the finite elements method in the analyses of the essential tensions presented by composite wood-steel structures used in the restoration of old wooden buildings. First, the numerical model was validated by modeling solely the wooden structure. Then the results were compared with the experimental results from physical tests for axial compression and flexion. The requirements of the Brazilian Standards NBR 6120, NBR 8800 and NBR 7190 were used. Finally, metal profiles were inserted in the wooden model and loads were applied according to the original structure’s specifications. The conclusion was that the steel intervention in the wood improves its structural performance, without putting at risk the other parts of the old building; besides it provides a clean construction site during the restoration process of the wooden structure.

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ISSN 2591-3522