Efeitos de Carregamentos em Modo II na Fratura do Concreto Simples

Luciani Neves Lens, Eduardo Bittencourt, Virgínia M. Rosito d´Avila


The loading and supports position related to a crack plane can change significantly the crack path propagation in single concrete beams. Numerical models for fracture propagation should be able to simulate crack path without any a priori knowledge of this path. In this work, a cohesive model is used as a numerical model to simulate fracture. It is shown that mode II energy and coupling parameters between modes I and II have virtually no effect on crack path. Several cases were studied in this work: three-point and four-point single-edge notched beams and a four-point double-edge notched beam with different sizes. In all cases an excellent agreement with experimental results was obtained.

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ISSN 2591-3522