Numerical Methods Used in Condor Code

Eduardo A. Villarino


INVAP uses computational tools to predict the behavior of the reactor to be built. Every new reactor needs increasingly detailed analysis from different points of view, as nuclear safety and fulfillment of user requirements (flux and production levels, spectra requirements, perturbations, etc).
Furthermore, this analysis must be modeled with a consistent level of detail from all the engineering variables. INVAP has been on continuous development of the calculation system used for design and optimization of nuclear reactors. The calculation codes have been polished and enhanced with new capabilities as they were needed for the reactor design, improving its safety, fuel economy and performance. Nowadays, this calculation line is divided in two main codes: Cell (CONDOR) and Core (CITVAP) codes. The homogenized and condensed macroscopic Cross Section (XS) is one of the main parameters used as interface between both codes; which are calculated by the Cell code and they are used as input by the Core code.
The present work summarizes the different theories, algorithms and numerical approaches used by CONDOR to generate the required parameters. The description covers all the calculation stages from the geometrical input up to the generation of the output parameters, describing the different methods used in the different stages.

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ISSN 2591-3522