Dynamic Optimization With A Simultaneou Method: Application To A Heat Exchanger.

Mariela A. Rodríguez, Maria Soledad Díaz, Alberto J. Bandoni


In this work we use a numeric method based on a combined discretization and
simultaneous dynamic optimization approach to solve a system consisting of partial
differential and algebraic equations. The spatial derivatives are discretized by finite
differences while the resulting DAE (Differential-Algebraic Equations) optimization problem
is transformed into a large-scale NLP (Nonlinear Programming) problem through collocation
over finite elements. This method is implemented in a computer package resident in a remote
computer located at the Department of Chemical Engineering Carnegie Mellon University,
which is accessed via a high-speed internet connection (Internet 2) from a client computer at
the Centro Regional de Investigaciones Basicas y Aplicadas Bahia Blanca (CRIBABB).
We have applied this strategy to the resolution of the dynamic optimization model of a gas -
gas heat exchanger, which is part of a larger model under development. The goal is to
minimize the transient between two set points of an outlet stream temperature. The dynamic
model provides profiles of controlled and manipulated variables which are in agreement with
available data, and the remote optimization system performed very well.

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ISSN 2591-3522