Algebraic Discrete Non-Local (DNL) Absorbing Boundary Condition for the Ship Wave Resistance Problem

Mario Alberto Storti, Jorge D'Elía, Sergio Idelsohn


An absorbing boundary condition for the ship wave resistance problem is presented. In contrast to the Dawson-like methods, it avoids the use of numerical viscosities in the discretization, so that a centered scheme can be used for the free surface operator. The absorbing boundary condition is “completely absorbing,” in the sense that the solution is independent of the position of the downstream boundary and is derived from straightforward analysis of the resulting constant-coefficients difference equations, assuming that the mesh is 1D-structured (in the longitudinal direction) and requires the eigen-decomposition of a matrix one dimension lower than the system matrix. The use of a centered scheme for the free surface operator allows a full finite element discretization. The drag is computed by a momentum flux balance. This method is more accurate and guarantees positive resistances.

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