Análise Numérica de Escoamentos de Fluidos Incompressívels Incluindo Problemas com Superfícies Livres Usando MEF

Paulo Roberto de Freitas Teixeira, Armando Miguel Awruch


A numerical algorithm to simulate incompressible flows employing the finite element method is presented in this work. Space and time discretization of the complete set of di1ferential equations are -carried out using a semi-implicit two-step Taylor-Gaierkin scheme and linear tetrahedJal element. The Poisson equation for pressure is solved by the cmjugated gradient method. An Arbitraty Lagrangean
Eulerian (ALE) description is adopted, in which the mesh movement is based ClIl a velocity smoothing scheme. Some numerical examples are presented, including the classic problem of movement of a solitary wave. The code is written in FORBAN language and is optimised in ord« to take advantages of vectorial processors existing in modem supercomputers.

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