Polinomios Ortogonales en las Aproximaciones Discretas por Mínimos Cuadrados - Programa Orthpolyfit
1. Mathematical bases-Is considered the problem of approximating a function whose values, in a points sequence, they are known in empirical form and consecuently they are subject to inherent mistakes. The objective is to approximate the function f(x) by a linear combination of {φj{x)} j = 0, ... ,M.
Using the principle of the minimal square is solved the normal equations system.
With polynomials approximations and in the cases in wich φ jx = xj or φ jx = P j(x) being P j(x) any polynomial of degree j exist analytical and computational problems. They are solved making use of orthogonal polynomials.
2. Software development-The program OrthPolyFit accomplishes regression in orthogonal polynomials function. 3. Examples- Are presented examples of different cases. It is observed the typical desviations sequence.
Using the principle of the minimal square is solved the normal equations system.
With polynomials approximations and in the cases in wich φ jx = xj or φ jx = P j(x) being P j(x) any polynomial of degree j exist analytical and computational problems. They are solved making use of orthogonal polynomials.
2. Software development-The program OrthPolyFit accomplishes regression in orthogonal polynomials function. 3. Examples- Are presented examples of different cases. It is observed the typical desviations sequence.
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ISSN 2591-3522