Simulación Numérica del Comportamiento de Vigas de Hormigón Armado con Semejanza Geométrica

Juan C. Ramallo, Bibiana M. Luccioni, Sergio H. Oller, Rodolfo F. Danesi


In this paper, the numerical results about the behavior of 4 reinforced concrete rectangular beams with complete geometric similarity and size ratio I :2:3:4 tested in bending at the Laboratory of Structures of the National University of Tucuman (UNT) are presented. A plane non-linear finite elemcnt (FE) program is used.
The behavior of the concrete is simulated using the Plastic Damage Modified Model (MDPM) that takes into account the most outstanding mcchanics features of gcomaterials, specially for concrete.
Following a brief description of the MDPM model, the FE program and its applications to the RC beams are described. Finally, the numerical results are analyzcd and compared with those experimentally obtained showing that the model adequately reflects the behavior of the tested models in spitc of their sizes.

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ISSN 2591-3522