CimecUser - 2015-05-31
PANACM 2015: First Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics and
MECOM 2015: XI Argentine Congress on Computational Mechanics
27 - 29 April 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina
The First Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics, PANACM 2015 and the XI Argentine Congress on Computational Mechanics, MECOM 2015, took place in Buenos Aires, Argentine, April 27 - 29, 2015.
PANACM 2015 is the first conference organized under the auspices of the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM) to promote the Computational Mechanics in the Americas as a one region. During the WCCM 2012 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the national associations of the Americas decided the periodic organization of a Pan-American congress, whose first edition took place in Buenos Aires in 2015.
This Congress was organized in conjunction with the XI Argentine Congress on Computational Mechanics, MECOM 2015, a traditional and very well known congress in the Argentinean science community, and attracted around 600 participants, coming from all over the world. All together some 540 lectures, organized in 45 Mini-Symposia, have been presented, including 8 Plenary lectures, 12 Semi-Plenary lectures and 43 Keynote Lecturers, which reflect the current state of the research and advances in engineering practice in the Computational Mechanics science.
Delegates from 38 countries participate at PANACM 2015, the main participation corresponding to: Argentina 133, Brazil 81, United States 78, Chile 29, France 28, Japan 27, Spain 25, Germany 22, Italy 11, and Poland 11.
The International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) organized this Conference jointly with the Asociación Argentina de Mecánica Computacional (AMCA).
Submitted full papers have been published in an e-book (ISBN: 978-84-943928-2-5),, available on the website:
Plenary Speakers of PANACM 2015 were:
- Klaus Jurgen Bathe (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
- Luis Caffarelli (University of Texas, Austin, USA)
- Charbel Farhat (Stanford University, USA)
- Tom Hughes (University of Texas, Austin, USA)
- Eugenio Oñate (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
- Olivier Pironneau (Foundation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris, France)
- Ekkehard Ramm (Stuttgart University, Germany)
- Peter Wriggers (Hannover University, Germany)
Semi-Plenary Speakers were:
- Gustavo Buscaglia (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)
- Alberto Cardona (CIMEC -CONICET, UNL-, Argentina)
- Alberto Cuitiño (Rutgers University, NJ, USA)
- Leszek Demkowicz( The University of Texas at Austin, USA)
- Eduardo N. Dvorkin (SIM&TEC, Argentina)
- Irene M. Gamba (The University of Texas at Austin, USA)
- Antonio Huerta (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
- Abimael Loula (Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica, Brazil)
- Xavier Oliver (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
- Rodolfo Rodriguez (Universidad de Concepción, Chile)
- Mario Storti (CIMEC -CONICET, UNL-, Argentina)
- Frédéric Valentin (Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica, Brazil)
PANACM 2015 was supported by the following IACM American Affiliated Associations:
- Argentine Association for Computational Mechanics (AMCA),
- Mexican Association for Numerical Modeling and Engineering (AMMNI)
- Brazilian Association for Computational Methods in Engineering (ABMEC)
- Colombian Association for Numerical Methods in Engineering and Applied Sciences (ACMENICA)
- Chilean Association for Computational Mechanics (SCMC)
- U.S. Association for Computational Mechanics (USACM)
- Venezuelan Society for Numerical Methods in Engineering (SVMNI)
The Minister of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation of Argentina, Dr. Lino Barañao, opened the congress which took place at Buenos Aires Hilton Hotel.
The International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) organized this Conference jointly with the Asociación Argentina de Mecánica Computacional (AMCA).
The Organizing Committee was integrated by:
- Sergio R. Idelsohn, Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingenieria (CIMNE), Barcelona, España.
- Victorio Sonzogni, Centro de Investigaciones de Métodos Computacionales (CIMEC),Santa Fe, Argentina.
- Alvaro Coutinho, High Performance Computing Center (COPPE), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
- Marcela Cruchaga, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile
- Adrian Lew, Stanford University, Stanford (California), USA.
- Miguel Cerrolaza, Inst. Nac. de Bioingeniería, Univ. Central de Venezuela, Venezuela.
Mini-Symposia were organized by:
1.3 MS: Advances in Numerical Methods for Multibody Systems, Organized by Alberto Cardona, Olivier Brüls and Martin Pucheta.
1.8 MS: Computational Buckling Analysis of Thin-Walled Structures, Organized by Luis Godoy and Rossana Jaca.
1.13 MS: Computational Geomechanics, Organized by Dorival Pedroso, Jose E. Andrade and Patricia Faria.
1.18 MS: Computational Methods in Seismic Engineering, Organized by Miguel Eduardo Tornello, Oscar Möller and Francisco J. Crisafulli.
1.23 MS: Large Deformation Problems. Fundamentals and Applications, Organized by Carlos Garcia Garino, Jean-Philippe Ponthot and Anibal E. Mirasso.
1.25 MS: Material Modeling with Multiscaling, Organized by Kenjiro Terada, Eduardo de Souza Neto, Pablo Blanco and Peter Wriggers.
1.28 MS: Multiscale Computational Design of Engineering Materials, Organized by Alfredo Edmundo Huespe, Pablo Sánchez, Guillermo Etse and Xavier Oliver.
1.29 MS: Nonlocal Models for Mechanics and Diffusion, Organized by Pablo Seleson, Diego Del-Castillo-Negrete and Michael Parks.
1.30 MS: Numerical Modeling of Damage Evolution and Propagating Discontinuities in Solids at Failure, Organized by Christian Linder and Ekkehard Ramm.
1.32 MS: Structural Analysis and Vibrations, Organized by Diana V. Bambill and Liz Nallim.
1.33 MS: Structural Integrity – Fracture Mechanics, Organized by Hiroshi Kawai and Hiroshi Okada.
1.34 MS: Structures under Extreme Loads, Organized by Daniel Ambrosini and Bibiana Luccioni.
2.5 MS: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Finite Element Methods: Formulations, Implementation Strategies and Applications, Organized by Lucia Catabriga and Sandra Malta.
2.8 MS: Computer Methods for Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Organized by Angel N. Menéndez, Renato Elias and Kazuo Kashiyama.
2.12 MS: Coupled Problems and Free Surface Flows, Organized by Facundo Del Pin and Rodrigo Paz.
2.15 MS: DNS/LES of Turbulent Wall-Bounded Flows, Organized by Xiaohua Wu and Guillermo Araya.
2.19 MS: Free-Surface, Moving-Boundary and Multi-Phase Flows, Organized by Marcela Cruchaga, Mario Storti, Gustavo Buscaglia and Axel Larreteguy.
2.27 MS: Numerical Modeling of Flooding Areas and Erodible Bathymetry, Organized by Pablo Ortiz and Joanna Szmelter.
3.1 MS: A Priori and A Posteriori Error Analysis in Finite Element Methods, Organized by Ricardo Duran.
3.2 MS: Advanced Numerical Strategies for the Design of Materials, Structures and Processes, Organized by Francisco Chinesta, Elias Cueto and Antonio Huerta.
3.3 MS: Algorithmic Aspects of High-Performance Computing for Mechanics and Physics, Organized by Santiago Badia, Victor Calo and Javier Principe.
3.5 MS: Boundary Element Techniques, Organized by Euclides Mesquita, Luis Tavara and Adrián Pablo Cisilino.
3.7 MS: Computational Methods for Kinetic Collisional Transport, Organized by Irene M. Gamba and Thierry Magin.
3.12 MS: Finite Element Methods for Multiscale Problems, Organized by Frédéric Valentin and Alexandre Madureira.
3.14 MS: Free Boundary Problems: Theory, Numerical Analysis and Applications, Organized by Domingo Tarzia.
3.17 MS: High Performance Computing and Related Topics, Organized by Ryuji Shioya and Daisuke Tagami.
3.19 MS: Higher Order Finite Element Discretizations, Organized by Leszek Demkowicz, Jay Gopalakrishnan and Tan Bui-Thanh.
3.20 MS: HPC Techniques in Computational Mechanics, Organized by Mariano Vázquez, Alvaro Coutinho and Mario Storti.
3.25 MS: Mathematical and Computational Methods for Subsurface Modeling and Visualization, Organized by Victor Calo, Ignacio Muga and David Pardo.
3.26 MS: Mathematics and Algorithms for Advanced Numerical Simulations, Organized by Rodolfo Araya, Carlos Conca, Pascal Frey and Olivier Pironneau.
3.30 MS: Model Order Reduction of Large-Scale Mechanical Systems, Organized by David Amsallem and Charbel Farhat.
3.33 MS: Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations in Continuum Mechanics and Electromagnetism, Organized by Rodolfo Rodriguez.
3.37 MS: Recent Advances in Meshfree and Particle Methods, Organized by Seiichi Koshizuka, Kazuo Nishimoto and Liang-Yee Cheng.
4.1 MS: Advances in Computational Biomechanics, Organized by Daniel Hurtado and Reuben Kraft.
4.3 MS: Computational Mechanics in Biology and Medicine, Organized by Sandra Rugonyi and Suvranu De.
4.8 MS: Numerical and Computational Methods in Analysis and Design of Biomedical Devices, Organized by José Di Paolo, Marcelo E. Berli and Miguel Cerrolaza.
5.6 MS: Inverse Problems and their Applications, Organized by Ruben D. Spies.
5.12 MS: Optimization and Computational Mechanics, Organized by Alfredo Canelas, Jose Herskovits Norman, Sandro Mazorche and Mario Tanaka Filho.
5.13 MS: Robust, Performance-based and Reliability-based Optimization under Uncertainty, Organized by André Beck, Marcos Valdebenito and Rafael Holdorf Lopez.
5.16 MS: Uncertainty Modeling and Quantification, Organized by Rubens Sampaio, Marta Rosales and Marcelo Tulio Piovan.
5.17 MS: Uncertainty Quantification and Inverse Problems, Organized by Hermann G. Matthies, Youssef Marzouk, Habib Najm, Alireza Doostan and Sondipon Adhikari.
6.5 MS: High Order Methods with Applications to Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics, Organized by Joao Luiz Azevedo and William Wolf.
8.2 MS: Aerospace Technology, Organized by Sergio Elaskar and Eduardo Zapico.
8.5 MS: CFD in Engineering and Technology of Nuclear Installations, Organized by Juan Carlos Ferreri and Alejandro Iván Lazarte.
8.10 MS: Industrial Applications of Computational Mechanics, Organized by Marcela Goldschmit and Jose Risso.
Site PANACM2015
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Hotel Hilton sede de PANACM 2015 Hilton Buenos Aires venue of PANACM 2015 | |
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Asistentes acto inaugural Assistants openning ceremony | |
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Acto inaugural Openning ceremony | |
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El ministro Lino Barañao con Sergio Idelsohn, Eugenio Oñate, Victorio Sonzogni y Antonio Huerta Minister Lino Barañao with Sergio Idelsohn, Eugenio Oñate, Victorio Sonzogni and Antonio Huerta | |
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Javier Piacesse, Lelia Zielonka, Sandra Sarano y and Iztok Potokar | Sergio Idelsohn y Xavier Oliver Sergio Idelsohn and Xavier Oliver |
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Coffe break | Coffe break |
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Alberto Cardona | Klauss-Jurgen Bathe |
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Charbel Farhat | Luis Cafarelli |
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Mario Storti | Rodolfo Rodriguez |
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Gustavo Buscaglia | Olivier Pironneau |
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Cena de los conferencistasAppreciation dinner | Tom Hughes recibe el Premio AMCA 2014 de manos de Victor Calo Tom Hughes receives from Victor Calo the AMCA Award 2014 |
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