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Mario Storti's Home-Page

Mario Storti


Curriculum Vitae

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Entrevista en Científicos Industria Argentina

Entrevista realizada al Dr. Mario Storti por Adrián Paenza en el programa Científicos Industria Argentina (2005). Se describe la Mecánica Computacional, supercomputación, y el software libre. El Dr. Mario Storti trabaja en el Centro de Investigación de Métodos Computacionales CIMEC (, en la ciudad de Santa Fe, Argentina. El CIMEC depende de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral y del CONICET.

Current Interests


PETSc-FEM Is a general purpose, parallel, multi-physics finite element program developped at CIMEC.

Some talks given recently

  • An Eigenproblem Formulation for Heat Transfer Computation on Periodic Geometries by Mario A. Storti, Luciano Garelli, Gustavo Ríos Rodríguez, Jonathan Dorella, XVII Jornadas de Mecánica Computacional, Pta Arenas (CL) 2018-10-04, (view/download)
  • Avances en la modelización computacional de problemas de interacción Fluido-Estructura, especialmente Rotordinámica by Mario Storti, Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería (Barcelona, España), ciclo de charlas "Café CIMNE" (view/download)
  • Numerical simulation of Fluid Structure Interaction problems in Graphics Processing Hardware. Experimental validation. Mario Storti, Santiago Costarelli, Luciano Garelli, Marcela Cruchaga, Sergio Idelsohn, Gilles Perrot, Raphaël Couturier. Plenary Lecture given at Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering 2015 (CMN 2015). Portuguese Association for Numerical Methods (APMTAC), Spanish Association for Numerical Methods(SEMNI). Lisbon, Portugal. 2015-06-29 to 2015-07-02.
  • Advances in the Solution of NS Eqs. in GPGPU Hardware. Second order scheme and experimental validation Semi-Plenary Lecture given at PANACM 2015, 1st Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics and MECOM 2015, 11th Argentine Congress on Computational Mechanics. Buenos Aires, 2015-04-27/29. (slides)
  • Advances in the Solution of NS Eqs. in GPGPU Hardware. Modelling Fluid Structure Interaction for a Submerged Spherical Buoy Autores. Keynote Lecture given at CARLA 2014. First HPCLATAM - CLCAR Joint Conference - Latin American High Performance Computing Conference. (October 2014-10-20/22), Santiago, Chile. (site, site(cached), keynotes, keynotes (cached),slides)
  • "Solving Incompressible Flow on GPU's with the Finite Volume Method and FFT Preconditioning". Talk given at "Jornadas Chilenas de Mecánica Computacional 2013" (October 3-4, 2013, Santiago, Chile)
  • "A FFT Preconditioning Technique for the Solution of Incompressible Flow". Talk given at "MECOM 2012 - X Congreso Argentino de Mecánica Computacional" (November 13-16, 2012, Salta, Argentina) (slides)
  • "Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Free-Surface Flows in Open Domains". by Storti, M.; Battaglia, L.; Paz, R.R.; D'Elía, J. Talk given at "10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2012), 33rd Iberian Latin American Congress on Computational Methods In Engineering (CILAMCE 2012), Sao Paulo 8-13/7/2012" (slides)
  • "A FFT Preconditioning Technique for the Solution of Incompressible Flow on GPU's". Talk given at "Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Ingeniería" (Barcelona, España) (slides)
  • Automatic high order absorption layers for advective-diffusive systems of equations, por M. Storti, L. Battaglia, and R. Paz, (view/download,download)
  • El Método Científico, por M.Storti, (view/download,download)
  • An FFT Preconditioning Technique for the Solution of Incompressible Flow with Fractional Step Methods on GPGPU's, por M.Storti, R.Paz, L.Dalcin, S.Costarelli, presented at MECOM 2010, 15-18 Noviembre 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina, (view/download, download,full paper)
  • Supercomputadoras en carrera, por Mario Storti, Café Científico, Chopería Santa Fe, Santa Fe, 2010-04-29, (view/download,download)
  • Dynamic Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Advective-Difusive Systems with Unknown Riemann Invariants, by by Mario Storti, Rodrigo Paz, Luciano Garelli, Lisandro Dalcín, Invited Conference at CIMNE, Barcelona, 2010-02-19,(view/download, download)
  • The FastMat2 Matrix Library. Description and Parallel Implementation, by Mario Alberto Storti, Hugo Guillermo Castro, Rodrigo Rafael Paz, Lisandro Daniel Dalcín. Slides presented at "XVII Congreso sobre Métodos Numéricos y sus Aplicaciones". Tandil, Argentina. (November 2009). (download)
  • Numerical simulation of solid particle deposition in ducts, by Mario Alberto Storti, Norberto Nigro, Rodrigo Rafael Paz, Lisandro Daniel Dalcín. Slides presented at "XVI Congreso sobre Métodos Numéricos y sus Aplicaciones". San Luis, Argentina. (November 2008). (download)
  • Particle Trace Visualization Technique, by Mario Alberto Storti, Gustavo A. Ríos Rodríguez, Norberto Nigro, Lisandro Dalcín, Rodrigo Paz. Slides presented at "XVI Congreso sobre Métodos Numéricos y sus Aplicaciones". Córdoba, Argentina. (October 2007). (download)
  • Fluid-structure interaction with a staged algorithm. Aerospace applications, by Mario Storti, Norberto Nigro, Rodrigo Paz, Lisandro Dalcín, Gustavo A. Ríos Rodríguez, Ezequiel López. Slides presented at close-out meeting for project Flow-SCHYPER (Flow-Structure Coupling in Hypersonic Regime). ESTEC/ESA (European Space Research and Technology Centre-European Space Agency, Noordwijk, Netherlands). (download)
  • Fluid-structure interaction with a staged algorithm, by Mario Storti, Norberto Nigro, Rodrigo Paz, Lisandro Dalcín, Gustavo A. Ríos Rodríguez, Ezequiel López. Presented at "XV Congreso sobre Métodos Numéricos y sus Aplicaciones, ENIEF 2006, Novembre 7-10, 2006, Santa Fe, Argentina. (download)
  • Métodos Computacionales en Capa Límite, by Mario Alberto Storti, Norberto M. Nigro, Lisandro Daniel Dalcín, Rodrigo Rafael Paz, Jorge D'Elía, Ricardo Prado. Presented at Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sep 14 (2006) (download)
  • Computacion de Alto Rendimiento en Mecanica Computacional. Aplicaciones y desarrollo de herramientas de Software Libre, by Mario Storti, Norberto Nigro, Lisandro Dalcin and Rodrigo Paz. Presented at 5tas Jornadas Regionales de Software Libre, Rosario, Argentina, (November 20-23, 2005). (download)
  • Dynamic boundary conditions in fluid mechanics, by Mario Storti, Norberto Nigro, Lisandro Dalcin and Rodrigo Paz. Presented at MECOM 2005, VIII Congreso Argentino de Mecánica Computacional. Buenos Aires, Argentina, (November 2005). (download)
  • Advances in Domain Decomposition Method Techniques Talk given at Seminarios de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Jul 3, 2005 (download)
  • Advances in parallel Computing for Computational Mechanics. MPI for Python and the Domain Decomposition Method, by M.Storti, N. Nigro, L. Dalcín and R. Paz. Keynote Lecture presented at 34 Jornadas Argentinas de Informática e Investigación Operativa. 6th Argentine Symposium on Computing Technology. Rosario, Argentina, (September 2005). (download)
  • Cálculo científico en computadoras paralelas. MPI y PETSc (download)
  • Visualización científca con Open-DX (download)
  • Cálculo distribuido en clusters Beowulf (download)

Some recent publications

[Updated Wed Sep 5 18:05:53 2018]

  • [98] Battaglia, L.; Cruchaga, M. A.; Storti, M.; D'Elía, J.; Nuñez Aedo, J.; Reinoso, R. "Numerical modelling of 3D sloshing experiments in rectangular tanks". Applied Mathematical Modelling. vol 59, pp. 357-378 (2018)(doi)
  • [97] Garelli, L.; Ríos Rodríguez, G.A.; Dorella, J.; Storti, M. "Heat transfer enhancement in panel type radiators using delta-wing vortex generators". International Journal of Thermal Sciences. (submitted)
  • [96] Garelli, L.; Ríos Rodríguez, G.A.; Storti, M.; Granata, D.; Amadei, Mauro.; Rossetti, M. "Reduced Model for the Thermo-Fluid Dynamic Analysis of a Power Transformer Radiator working in ONAF mode". Applied Thermal Engineering. vol 124, pp. 855-864 (2017)(doi)
  • [95] Castro, H.G.; Paz, R.R.; Mroginski, J; Storti, M. "Evaluation of the proper coherence representation in random flow generation based methods". Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. vol 168, pp. 211-227 (2017)(preprint) (doi)
  • [94] Mroginski, J; Castro, H.G.; Storti, M. "A GPU-CUDA Implementation of Benchmark Problems for Classical Genetic Algorithms". Latin American Applied Research. (submitted)
  • [93] Cruchaga, M. A.; Ferada, C.; Márquez Damián, S.; Storti, M.; Celentano, D.J. "Modeling the sloshing problem in a rectangular tank with submerged incomplete baffles". International Journal for Numerical Methods in Heat and Fluid Flow. vol 26, pp. 722-744 (2016)(doi)
  • [92] Garelli, L.; Schauer, M.; Storti, M.; Ríos Rodríguez, G.A.; Langer, S.C. "Evaluation of a coupling interface for solving fluid structure interaction problems". European Journal of Mechanics - B: Fluids. vol 58, pp. 117-126 (2016)(doi)
  • [91] Ríos Rodríguez, G.A.; Garelli, L.; Storti, M.; Granata, D.; Amadei, Mauro.; Rossetti, M. "Numerical and Experimental Thermo-Fluid Dynamic Analysis of a Power Transformer working in ONAN mode". Applied Thermal Engineering. vol 112, pp. 1271-1280 (2016)(doi)
  • [90] Costarelli, S.; Garelli, L.; Cruchaga, M. A.; Storti, M.; Ausensi, R.; Idelsohn, S. "An Embedded Strategy for the Analysis of Fluid Structure Interaction Problems". Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. vol 300, pp. 106-128 (2015)(doi)
  • [89] Fraguío, M.S.; Lacivita, A.; Valle, J.; Storti, M. "Desarrollo e integración de Modelos Capacitivos Resistivos en un simulador analítico de mallas de inyección". Petrotecnia. vol 2015, pp. 68-78 (2015)(online)
  • [88] Costarelli, S.; Storti, M.; Paz, R.R.; Dalcín, L.; Idelsohn, S. "GPGPU implementation of the BFECC algorithm for pure advection equations". Cluster Computing. vol 17, pp. 243-254 (2014)(doi)
  • [87] D'Elía, J.; Battaglia, L.; Cardona, A.; Storti, M.; Ríos Rodríguez, G.A. "Galerkin boundary elements for the computation of the surface tractions in exterior Stokes flows". Journal of Fluids Engineering. vol 136, pp. 111102-111117 (2014)(doi)
  • [86] Cruchaga, M. A.; Battaglia, L.; Storti, M.; D'Elía, J. "Numerical Modeling and Experimental Validation of Free Surface Flow Problems". Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. vol , pp. 1-31 (2014)(doi)
  • [85] Garelli, L.; Ríos Rodríguez, G.A.; Paz, R.R.; Storti, M. "Adaptive Simulation of the Internal Flow in a Rocket Nozzle". Latin American Applied Research. vol 44.3, pp. 267-276 (2014)(preprint)
  • [84] Cruchaga, M. A.; Reinoso, R.; Storti, M.; Celentano, D.J.; Tezduyar, T. "Experimental Validation for a Finite Element Computation of Sloshing in Rectangular Tanks". Computational Mechanics. vol 52, pp. 1301-1312 (2013)(doi)

Courses given


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Becas de Doctorado del CONICET

Estudiantes universitarios en el ÚLTIMO AÑO o GRADUADOS interesados en hacer un Doctorado en Mecánica Computacional con becas del CONICET contactar al Dr. Mario Storti (más info).

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Topic revision: r134 - 08 Nov 2022, MarioStorti
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